Tuesday 10 September 2019

See a Trained Doctor to Reduce Occurrence of Sports Injury

Athletes often get injured, and this has now become part and parcel for athletes. Sports injuries happen when you do some exercise or participate in sports without following the proper measures and guidelines. As an athlete, preventing certain injuries is beyond your ability. It is not in your grip.

Fortunately, most injuries are treatable. When you notice any symptom, you need to see a professional doctor of sports medicine to reduce or eliminate the symptoms. The physicians are highly trained to provide you with the proper treatment at the right time.

Common Types of Sports Injuries
Different types of injuries come with different symptoms. Some of the common types include,

1. Knee Injuries
This is the most common type. It ranges from a tear to overstretch in the tissues or muscle in the knees. This injury can prevent you from sitting or standing properly.

2. Sprains
Tearing or overstretching the ligaments leads to a sprain. Ligaments are the tissues which connect your bones. When this happens, you will notice symptoms like unbearable pain, bruising, and swelling.

3. Swollen Muscles
Swelling is a common symptom that comes with almost all type of sports injuries. If you notice this symptom, you should not ignore it. Professional sports medicine physicians know how to treat it.

4. Fractures
The common example of bone fractures are rib fractures, hip fractures, stress fractures skull fractures and more. A fracture is a medical term for the broken bone. Fractures happen when you apply force to your bone. When this happens, you will notice the following symptoms- intolerable pain in your injured area, bruising or swelling, deformity of leg or arm and more.

5. Shoulder Injury:
Your shoulder is one of the weakest joints in your body. Shoulder injuries may happen because of a lack of flexibility. In order to get relief from the pain, you may apply ice on the injured area and take rest. If this fails to work, you may seek help from an experienced doctor of sports medicine.

Apart from the mentioned, there are several other injuries which may happen to athletes. Whenever you have any symptom, it is better to see a doctor who has years of experience in treating athletes.

Treatment Options
RICE treatment is a common one for treating sports injuries. RICE which stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation is effective mainly for certain type of injuries which are mild. For severe injuries, you should seek help from physicians.

Signs that indicate high time to see a doctor are –

• swelling and unbearable pain
• visible bumps and lumps
• instability

Your doctor may prescribe you specific medications to give you relief from the pain and treat the symptoms.  Have you noticed any symptom of sports injuries? If yes, then you should not take them lightly. Seeing a sports medicine doctor is the best solutions to treat the injuries.

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