Monday 14 January 2019

Importance of Core Stability for Preventing Sports Injuries

With the rising threats of sports injuries to athletes and even to non-athletes, increasing the core stability through different exercises has emerged as musculoskeletal injury stoppage programs.  In most of the cases, strength training does not get much importance that it should deserve as a part of the training regime. 

Properly building the core helps to cranks up the power, and at the time it plays an important role in boosting stability as well as balancing. This post talks about the importance of core stability that helps in preventing sports injuries. 

  • Core Strength Generates Power

Core muscles are one of the strongest ones in the body such as back, abdominal muscles and even glutes. Not that they are only big, but they are strong and can do an extensive amount of work. 

Experts and even doctor of sports medicine suggest that a strong, stable core can help in generating great power than the extremities can ever imagine. And the best way to do this is to generate power from the big muscles and efficiently transfer the momentum to the extremities.

  • Core Strength Ensure Stability

Another best thing about core strength and every athlete should keep it in mind that it offers a great amount of stability. When an athlete performs with higher stability, it helps in increasing the level of overall performance and enable better lifts. 

With great stability comes great control and it is all about controlling the major as well as minor disquiets that occurs while performing. Doing core strengthening exercises on a regular basis would help a lot in preventing sports injuries while playing. 

  • Core Strength Augments Efficiency

A stable core is more like self-correcting. In addition, it also works as a spring that store energy and helps in distributing the same throughout the body. The arrangement for the recoil of the muscles plays an important role in this context. Though, the compressed abdominal cavity makes use of the power of fluid dynamics for transferring the energy. Doctor of sports medicine opines that contracting the core increases the pressure inside the abdomen. 

So, it is important for the athletes, playing at professional or at an amateur level to focus more on the core work training sessions. It will certainly help them to fee stronger and developing matured core strength would be effective in eliminating sports injuries. In case of any suggestion or query for the pointers discussed in the post, please feel free to reach us below in the comment section.