Friday 17 April 2020

What Must You Know About Tennis Elbow? Causes, Symptoms, and More

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, could be defined as the swelling of the elbow joint caused due to repetitive stress. The pain originates on the outer portion of the elbow but can radiate down the arm. You are most likely to experience discomfort when you straighten your hands. Well, to know more about this sports injury, please check out the given discussion right now.
Forearm tendons join the forearm muscles to the external bone of the elbow. Tennis elbow occurs when a certain muscle strand (extensor carpi radialis brevis or ECRB) present in the forearm is damaged. The ECRM is responsible for the wrist movement.
Constant stress weakens ECRB muscle by developing tiny tears throughout it. These tears cause excruciating inflammation. Besides tennis and other types of racquet sports, swimming, golf, abrupt turn of the key, and frequent usage of hammer or screwdriver also lead to tennis elbow.
According to a highly competent musculoskeletal doctor, mild elbow pain that gradually worsens is the main symptom of tennis elbow. Others include:
·         Weak grip.
·         Pain outside the elbow and in the wrist and the forearm.
·         Discomfort when lifting weights, opening jars, shaking hands, squeezing objects, or using tools.
Tennis elbow is diagnosed during a comprehensive physical examination. If you are experiencing pain in the elbow, your doctor will try to detect what it is by asking about your job, what kind of sports you play, your workout regimen, etc. To confirm, he or she will carry out an MRI scan or X-ray.
·         The foremost step is to limit movement as much as possible. Do not move the affected hand for several weeks and take rest. A doctor gives braces for immobilising the muscles.

·         Ice packs are placed on the elbow to decrease swelling and soothe the pain. Do not hold the ice for a prolonged period or else you will end up suffering from frostbites.

·         Physical therapy involves a series of exercises for reinforcing the muscles of the forearm and promoting healing. It includes massages and muscle stimulating techniques.

·         In ultrasound therapy, a probe is placed on the injured elbow. It emits sound waves at a high frequency to repair the tissues. This treatment speeds up the recovery to a great extent.

·         Injecting corticosteroid medication directly into the tendons attached to the bone of the elbow or the muscle largely cuts down inflammation.
Surgery becomes mandatory when the symptoms do not alleviate even after a year. Arthroscopy is used for removing the dead tissues from inside the elbow and reattaching healthy muscles to the bone.
According to a renowned sports physician, wearing the right type of equipment and adhering to the rules of activity prevents tennis elbow to a great extent. Other safety measures include performing exercises to maintain the flexibility as well as the strength of arms, and resting the elbow or applying ice cubes to it. Also, take breaks. Otherwise, you pave the way for unnecessary complications.

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