Tuesday 11 September 2018

A Brief Discussion on Five Natural Remedies for Sports Injuries

As per the recent studies, a significant share of individuals aspires to become athletes. They want to achieve success at any cost. To gain success in their career, they often undergo rigorous training sessions. As a result, they often end up facing sports injuries, including knee injury.

There are several reasons why newbie sportspersons often get injured while dealing with the training procedure. Some of the vital reasons include using inappropriate outfit and footwear, carrying out the training for prolonged periods instead of taking rest, avoiding warming up and soon.

Sports and injuries are inseparable. In the below section, I have jotted down some natural tactics for curing certain sports injuries. Athletes may try these ways. If these fail to work, they may consult a professional musculoskeletal doctor.


Lower Back Pain and Yoga

Golf, running, and cycling are known for putting extreme pressure on the spine worsening lower backaches. For gaining relief people must indulge in yoga every morning or evening for at least thirty minutes. Practicing poses such as downward facing, cat and cow, thread the needle, sphinx, and supine twist can alleviate pain within three months or so.

Muscle Cramps and Food Items

While we know that dehydration can cause muscle cramps, according to a renowned sportsinjury specialist, slow digestion and poor circulation could also be held responsible. For keeping spasms at bay, make sure to eat cereal with cinnamon, low fat milk, and ground flaxseed. Food items rich in magnesium, potassium, sodium, and calcium is beneficial.

Runner’s Knee and Acupuncture

Runner’s knee, also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome, occurs when the tissues around kneecap gets tremendously irritated. High impact exercises such as plyometric and lunges are known for being one of the chief causes. While individuals tend to rely upon over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen, they can try acupuncture too. It could be loosely defined as the process of inserting fine needles at distinct points of human body for increasing the secretion of hormones like cortisol, serotonin, and endorphins hence lessening both inflammation and pain.

Blisters and Herbs
Blisters are immensely painful and can take an adverse toll on a person’s everyday life. While applying substantial amounts of petroleum jelly can limit friction to a great extent, using essential herbs is perhaps the only viable way to repair affected tissues. Calendula is noted for having antimicrobial properties. It can reduce swelling in no time and speed up recovery. Soaking feet in green tea or solution prepared by mixing Epsom salt and water is also an excellent remedy. In case this natural way fails to cure you, it is better to see an experienced musculoskeletal doctor. He or she can provide effective treatments.

Swimmer’s Ear and White Vinegar

Swimmer’s ear is an infection that affects external ear canal but could gradually reach the brain through eardrum if neglected. Symptoms include itching, redness, release of pus, partial blockage, and muffled or decreased hearing. To get rid of this issue, individuals are asked to put 0.25ml rubbing alcohol or white vinegar inside the ear with a dropper twice a day for 72 hours.

If the above-mentioned remedies do not work, one must feel free to contact aproficient and experienced exercise medicine doctor, who would either prescribe medicine or carry out surgery for resolving the situation as quickly as possible.

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